
In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

God has placed it upon my heart to include a list of prayers to my blog. 1st Thessalonians 5:16, says that we are to pray continually without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

“Prayer is simply talking to God. It’s having a conversation with Him. Just as simple as that.”

I believe that we all should say a prayer or two everyday. To thank God for His mercy and His grace. The following prayers have been written with you in mind. Some of the prayers were written by God’s faithful prayer warriors. A few others were taken from the Holy Bible.

If you are in need of a prayer, please feel free to use any of these and also submit a prayer request. I have prayed over them and I have asked God to bless them.

May God bless you and grant your hearts’ desires.

Rev. Jeanie Martin

Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Heartfelt Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayers for Singles
