Loving From The Heart

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, with all of your strength, and with all of your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself; (Luke 10:27 NIV).

Loving others is a commandment (Lev.19:18; Matt. 19:16 –19). It’s the second commandment given in the New Testament. The commandment to love God fully and love yourself must first be rooted within your heart before you can extend love to others.

It’s impossible to give others what we do not possess. God has set up a basic law of transaction in this world that says we can give only from the supply we possess. An equal aspect of the law of transaction is the more we give, the more we receive. In order to give love, we must first receive God’s love and have a solid sense of self-worth.

Loving our neighbors is a command, not a suggestion. We should pray for our neighbors and the well-being of their families. Pray and ask God to heal, restore, revive, and make them a strong family unit.

It’s essential that we speak well of others and not speak evil against them or about them. A gossiper is a talebearer or scandal-monger, one who reveals secrets. We must refrain from gossiping about others, even if the story is true. We should speak blessings and not curses and be good to others, even if they are not good to us.

We must be sensitive to the needs of others and recognize the fact that they may have deep-rooted emotions that may not be readily expressed and physical needs that have not been met. Pray and ask God to provide every necessity and make them whole again. If they are in trouble, pray that God will destroy every yoke and remove every hindrance that prevents them from moving forward in life. Ask God to defeat every enemy that comes against them and to keep them from submitting to temptation.

If you’re looking for ways to love, look at Jesus; He is the perfect example of love. We are not, nor can we ever be the “Savior” for another individual because Jesus fulfills the position. The job of every believer is to point the lost, unsaved, and hurting soul to Jesus. He is the greatest expression of love that came down from heaven to earth to show us the way. His great passion for us compelled Him to sacrifice His life on the Cross, so that the debt that we owed could be paid in full.

There has never been a love like this before, and His loving arms are extended to the world. Accept God’s love and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Read Romans 10:9-10 and receive the free gift of eternal Salvation today.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, to die on the Cross for our sins” ; (John 3:16).

Bountiful Blessings to you!







Photo Credit: Photo by henri meilhac on Unsplash

10 thoughts on “Loving From The Heart

  1. Loving this post, Jeanie! The line that says it is impossible to give others what we do not possess is so true!! I felt that in my core. Loving someone else is hard to do if you don’t have a good loving relationship with yourself. God’s love is unlimited and that’s why I stay close to His word. I’m grateful to my mother instilling faith and love in me.


    1. Hi Nicky! I thought that I loved myself until I met Jesus. It wasn’t until then that I found out that I was loving myself in a worldly way which could not satisfy my needs. It wan’t until I met Jesus that I found out what real love looks and feels like. Jesus opened my heart to receive His love, now I can love others unconditionally as Jesus loves us. Agape love is the key. Thanks for your comment Nicky! Happy New Year!


  2. What a wonderful reminder at the beginning of the new year that love should be the foundation of our lives. Gods perfect love for us is forever.


    1. Good Morning Greggy! I agree with your comment. Love should be the foundation of our lives. The Apostle Paul said that without love we are just noisy cymbals; (1st Cor. 13:1). God’s perfect love is eternal and without His love we don’t know the true meaning of love. God is love. Just saying that make me feel beautiful inside. Thanks for your comment Greggy. God Bless!


  3. Hi Jeanie…I LOVE you and miss you

    On Fri, Jan 4, 2019, 11:28 AM Jeanie Shepard Ministries Minister Jeanie Shepard posted: “Love the Lord your God with all your > heart, all your soul, with all of your strength, and with all of your mind, > and love your neighbor as yourself; (Luke 10:27 NIV). Loving others is a > commandment (Lev.19:18; Matt. 19:16 –19); it’s the second commandmen” >


  4. Last year was a great lesson on humility and loving others especially those who didn’t really love me. I asked God how do you show love to someone who doesn’t love you and your line about looking to Jesus as an example was great. I realize the importance of loving others because it’s what a faithful life in God hinges upon. Thank you for this article and may God continue to do His mighty work in and through you Min. Jeanie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Cherese! I am very happy that you were able to conclude that keeping your focus on Jesus was the answer to loveless relationships. Jesus fulfills every need and He’s able to mend broken hearts. Keep looking to Jesus, He is the Author and Finisher of every matter that pertains to life. Thank you for your comment. Blessings to you!


  5. Sometimes it’s not easy to love on our own. I have found that I can love if I allow God to love through me. Wonderful lesson to begin the new year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Sandra,
      Thank you for your comment. I agree with you, if we have God’s Holy Spirit living on the inside and we’re walking daily with Him, our spiritual fruit starts to grow; and with love being the first piece of spiritual fruit among the other 8 clusters of spiritual fruit listed in Galatians 5:22-23, love is bound to manifest on the outside because of what’s on inside.

      May the love of Christ dwell richly in you throughout the year. God bless.


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